IDDRS Framework
Cross-cutting Issues
Women, Gender and DDR
*Module undergoing graphic design
Women are increasingly involved in combat or are associated with armed groups and forces in other roles, work as community peace-builders, and play essential roles in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes. Yet they are almost never included in the planning or implementation of DDR. Since 2000, the United Nations (UN) and all other agencies involved in DDR and other post-conflict reconstruction activities have been in a better position to change this state of affairs by using Security Council resolution 1325, which sets out a clear and practical agenda for measuring the advancement of women in all aspects of peace-building. The resolution begins with the recognition that women’s visibility, both in national and regional instruments and in bi- and multilateral organizations, is vital. It goes on to call for gender awareness in all aspects of peacekeeping initiatives, especially demobilization and reintegration, urges women’s informed and active participation in disarmament exercises, and insists on the right of women to carry out their post-conflict reconstruction activities in an environment free from threat, especially of sexualized violence.
Even when they are not involved with armed forces and groups themselves, women are strongly affected by decisions made during the demobilization of men. Furthermore, it is impossible to tackle the problems of women’s political, social and economic marginalization or the high levels of violence against women in conflict and post-conflict zones without paying attention to how men’s experiences and expectations also shape gender relations. This module therefore includes some ideas about how to design DDR processes for men in such a way that they will learn to resolve interpersonal conflicts without using violence to do so, which will increase the security of their families and broader communities.
Special note is also made of girl soldiers in this module, because in some parts of the world, a girl who bears a child, no matter how young she is, immediately gains the status of a woman. Care should therefore be taken to understand local interpretations of who is seen as a girl and who a woman soldier.
Peace-building, especially in the form of practical disarmament, needs to continue for a long time after formal demobilization and reintegration processes come to an end. This module is therefore intended to assist planners in designing and implementing gendersensitive short-term goals, and to help in the planning of future-oriented long-term peace support measures. It focuses on practical ways in which both women and girls, and men and boys can be included in the processes of disarmament and demobilization, and be recognized and supported in the roles they play in reintegration.
The processes of DDR take place in such a wide variety of conditions that it would be impossible to discuss each of the circumstance-specific challenges that might arise. This module raises issues that frequently disappear in the planning stages of DDR, and aims to provoke further thinking and debate on the best ways to deal with the varied needs of people — male and female, old and young, healthy and unwell — in armed groups and forces, and those of the communities to which they return after war.
Children and DDR
The recruitment of children – girls and boys under the age of 18 – and their use in hostilities or for other purposes by armed forces and groups is illegal. It is also one of the worst forms of child labour and exploitation. Efforts to prevent the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups should be a primary consideration during all DDR processes. Prevention efforts should start early—when possible, they should commence prior to armed conflict—and they should take place continuously throughout the conflict, with careful consideration given to the structural, social and individual factors associated with the risk of recruitment and re-recruitment.
Irrespective of how children were recruited, the unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG) shall be required. Any person under 18 years old must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/or the development of DDR processes. Nonetheless, where relevant, peace processes, including peace agreements and DDR policy documents, offer an opportunity to highlight the needs of children affected by armed conflict and to ensure that actions and funding streams to support child-specific processes are included. The commitment to stop the recruitment and use of children and to release children from armed forces and groups shall be explicit within peace agreements.
DRR processes shall be specific to the needs of children and apply child-sensitive and gendertransformative approaches to planning, implementation, and monitoring. As such, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups, handed over to child protection actors and supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities. DDR practitioners and relevant child protection actors shall work together to design and implement services and interventions that aim to prevent children’s recruitment and re-recruitment, that help children to recover and reintegrate into their communities, and that take into account differences in age and gender needs. DDR practitioners should promote agency of children, enabling their right to participate in decisionmaking and shape DDR processes in line with their concerns/needs.
The specific needs of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups during reintegration are multisectoral, as boys and girls often require support in (re)accessing education, an alternative livelihood, medical and mental health services, including reproductive health services and sexual violence recovery services, as well as other services that promote life skills and help them establish a meaningful role in society. Child-sensitive approaches to reintegration support should be focused on long-term and sustainable opportunities for children formerly associated with armed forces and groups that are gender- and age-sensitive. For sustainability, and to avoid tension, stigmatization or envy when a child is returned, DDR practitioners should ensure that broader community development processes are also considered.
DDR practitioners should also be aware that no child below the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) should be investigated, prosecuted, or deprived of their liberty for any offence, including security and terrorism-related offences, in line with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Committee on the Rights of the Child encourages States to increase the MACR where possible, and not to lower it below 14 years of age, 2 commending States that set a higher MACR such as 15 or 16 years of age. Children, above the age of criminal responsibility, who are suspected of committing a serious crime, shall be handed over to civilian actors, and justice should be provided within juvenile justice frameworks. During all processes they shall be treated primarily as victims and as survivors of grave violations of their rights. Any investigation or determination of culpability shall be handled by trained civilian actors, including, where relevant, trained juvenile justice actors and made based on processes consistent with applicable international child rights standards, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and internationally recognized juvenile justice standards and principles, due process and fair trial standards, prioritizing the child’s recovery, reintegration, and best interests in all decisions.
Youth and DDR
DDR processes are often conducted in contexts where the majority of combatants and fighters are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. If DDR processes cater only to younger children and mature adults, the specific needs and experiences of youth may be missed. DDR practitioners shall promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth, as failure to consider their needs and opinions can undermine their rights, their agency and, ultimately, peace processes.
In countries affected by conflict, youth are a force for positive change, while at the same time, some young people may be vulnerable to being drawn into conflict. To provide a safe and inclusive space for youth, manage the expectations of youth in DDR processes and direct their energies positively, DDR practitioners shall support youth in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive and promote an enabling environment where young people can more systematically have influence upon their own lives and societies. The reintegration of youth is particularly complex due to a mix of underlying economic, social, political, and/or personal factors often driving the recruitment of youth into armed forces or groups. This may include social and political marginalization, protracted displacement, other forms of social exclusion, or grievances against the State. DDR practitioners shall therefore pay special attention to promoting significant participation and representation of youth in all DDR processes, so that reintegration support is sensitive to the rights, aspirations, and perspectives of youth. Their reintegration may also be more complex, as they may have become associated with an armed forces or group during formative years of brain development and social conditioning. Whenever possible, reintegration planning for youth should be linked to national reconciliation strategies, socioeconomic reconstruction plans, and youth development policies.
The specific needs of youth transitioning to civilian life are diverse, as youth often require gender responsive services to address social, acute and/or chronic medical and psychosocial support needs resulting from the conflict. Youth may face greater levels of societal pressure and responsibility, and as such, be expected to work, support family, and take on leadership roles in their communities. Recognizing this, as well as the need for youth to have the ability to resolve conflict in non-violent ways, DDR practitioners shall invest in and mainstream life skills development across all components of reintegration programming.
As youth may have missed out on education or may have limited employable skills to enable them to provide for their families and contribute to their communities, complementary programming is required to promote educational and employment opportunities that are sensitive to their needs and challenges. This may include support to access formal education, accelerated learning curricula, or market-driven vocational training coupled with apprenticeships or ‘on-the-job’ (OTJ) training to develop employable skills. Youth should also be supported with employment services ranging from employment counselling, career guidance and information on the labour market to help youth identify opportunities for learning and work and navigate the complex barriers they may face when entering the labour market. Given the severe competition often seen in post-conflict labour markets, DDR processes should support opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, business training, and access to microfinance to equip youth with practical skills and capital to start and manage small businesses or cooperatives and should consider the long-term impact of educational deprivation on their employment opportunities.
It is critical that youth have a structured platform to have their voices heard by decision-makers, often comprised of the elder generation. Where possible DDR practitioners should look for opportunities to include the perspective of youth in local and national peace processes. DDR practitioners should ensure that youth play a central role in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of Community Violence Reduction (CVR) programmes and transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) measures.
Cross-border Population Movements
This module offers advice to policymakers and practitioners responding to cross-border movements and the presence of foreign combatants and those associated with armed groups and forces in non-combat roles in the context of armed conflict.
In some armed conflicts, combatants and civilians move across international borders. The increase in non-international armed conflicts, the proliferation and diversity of armed groups, and widespread violations of international humanitarian law are all factors that affect the operational environment on the ground. The presence of foreign fighters in certain conflicts further contributes to the intensity, duration and complexity of these conflicts, and may therefore create risks to their States of origin, transit or destination, as well as zones of armed conflict in neighbouring states. Concerns have emerged about the threats that the presence of foreign combatants might pose to efforts to establish and maintain the civilian and humanitarian nature of asylum.
Lack of a regional dimension to planning that takes these operational realities into account may contribute to the “recycling” of combatants from one conflict to another, within a region and beyond. This module therefore advocates for close collaboration between States, as well as all relevant agencies and other stakeholders, with the view of establishing regional strategies and coherence between DDR processes across a region.
When working with cross-border movements, it should be kept in mind that most people moving across borders during an armed conflict are in fact civilians, many of whom are seeking asylum from persecution, conflict and violence, and have the right to international protection. As such, this module also sets out the basic principles relating to international refugee law and international human rights law, where relevant.
Closely related to this, the module emphasizes the responsibility of host States, with the support of the international community, to preserve the peaceful, civilian and humanitarian character of asylum. To do so, combatants must be identified and separated from civilians at the earliest possible time, and armed individuals must be disarmed. This is essential to ensure the protection and safety of displaced civilians and survivors of rights violations (including children who may have been associated with armed forces and groups); enable humanitarian assistance; safeguard humanitarian staff; and maintain States’ internal and external security. Children associated with armed forces and groups shall be identified and referred to civilian child protection actors immediately and without precondition, even during armed conflict.
The presence of foreign combatants on a State’s territory may contribute to deteriorating security for host communities, jeopardize inter-State relations, and even threaten regional or international stability, peace and security. States must therefore find appropriate solutions, in accordance with international law and applicable standards.
Food Assistance in DDR
Acute food insecurity can be a trigger or root cause of armed conflict. Furthermore, armed conflict itself is a major driver of food insecurity. In countries and regions affected by armed conflict, humanitarian food assistance agencies are often already engaged in large-scale life-saving and livelihood support programmes to assist vulnerable and conflict-affected civilian communities, including displaced populations. These same agencies may be asked by a national Government, a peace operation or UN Resident Coordinator (UN RC) to provide food assistance in support of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.
Food assistance provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies as part of a DDR process shall adhere to humanitarian principles and the best practices of humanitarian food assistance. Humanitarian agencies shall not provide food assistance to armed personnel at any point in a DDR process and all reasonable precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure that food assistance is not taken or used by combatants or warring factions. When food is provided to armed forces and groups prior to their demobilization, Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, and not humanitarian agencies, shall be responsible for all aspects of the process – from the acquisition of food to its distribution.
As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, DDR processes can include various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. The objectives and means through which food assistance is provided will differ depending on the type of DDR process being supported. For example, during DDR programmes food assistance can be provided at disarmament and/or cantonment sites and as part of a transitional safety net in support of reinsertion and reintegration. Food assistance can also be provided as part of reintegration support either during a DDR programme or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In addition, food assistance can be part of pre-DDR and CVR (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).
Food assistance that is provided in support of a DDR process shall be based on a careful analysis of the food security situation. This shall include an analysis of any potential gender, age or disability barriers to receiving food assistance. The capacities and coping mechanisms of individuals, households and communities shall also be analysed to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of the assistance. Food assistance as part of a DDR process shall also be informed by a context/conflict analysis and an analysis of the protection risks that could potentially be created by this assistance. For example, it is important to analyse whether food assistance may inadvertently create or exacerbate household or community tensions.
Available and flexible resources are necessary in order to respond to the changes and unexpected problems that may arise during DDR processes. A food assistance component of a DDR process should not be implemented unless adequate resources and capacity are in place, including human, financial and logistics resources. If resources are not adequate, a risk analysis must inform decision-making and implementation. Maintaining a well-resourced food assistance pipeline, regardless of the selected transfer modality (in-kind support or cash-based transfers) is essential.
The IDDRS module 5.60 HIV/AIDS and DDR has been merged with IDDRS 5.70 Health and DDR. Any information on HIV/AIDS can be found in IDDRS 5.70 Health and DDR.
Health and DDR
The links between conflict, health and peace are multifaceted. Armed conflicts have clear impacts on health. Conflict results directly in deaths and injuries of both combatants and civilians, but may also cause impacts on health beyond physical harm, such as increases in infectious diseases and non-communicable illness, including mental illness. When conflict impacts public infrastructure, both intentionally and unintentionally, health services are affected including vaccination distribution, child and maternal health, and sexual and reproductive health. Disrupted water and sanitation systems increase the risk of infectious waterborne diseases like cholera. Healthcare may be deliberately attacked, including the destruction and looting of health facilities and violence against health workers and patients.
Conflicts cause the collapse of health systems and essential medical supply chains and the breakdown of social and economic systems as health-care workers flee, and starvation and epidemics spread. Rates of infant mortality, sexual violence and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress increase significantly during and after armed conflicts. A depleted health workforce and ineffective health systems are not only the symptoms of conflict; in some cases, they can be a contributing factor to the outbreak of violence. The lack of access to basic social services such as health care for specific populations (e.g., ethnic, regional, religious or otherwise marginalized groups) can lead to perceptions of exclusion and unfair or unequal treatment. In many contexts, such inequities and lack of inclusion contribute to mounting grievances, which then boil over into protests and later violence.
This relationship between health and conflict is evident in the contexts in which DDR processes take place. After armed conflict, former members of armed forces and groups are left with injuries, physical and mental disabilities due to the trauma of being in active combat, and increased susceptibility to negative coping mechanisms, including substance abuse. The mental health of communities, victims, and former members of armed forces and groups is also a key factor in the success of reconciliation, transitional justice and other post-conflict peace processes. Lastly, health, especially that of children and women, is often viewed as a superordinate goal (shared value) for all sides in a conflict, which allows health initiatives to serve as a neutral starting point for bringing rival parties together as they work towards mutually beneficial objectives.
This module is intended to assist DDR practitioners to design DDR processes that contribute to better health outcomes for ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and conflict-affected communities. The module is also intended for health actors, who may be unfamiliar with DDR, including generalists and non-specialized health actors who need to be aware of key health-related considerations, including infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and emerging pandemics, throughout the DDR process. Therefore, this module provides policy orientation for health practitioners who, when called upon to support DDR efforts, may require basic guidance on where their strategic, technical and operational expertise is required. While the primary objective of health action remains in all contexts to reduce avoidable illness, injuries and death, the role of health services as part of DDR will depend on conflict contexts and on what types of activities are implemented as part of DDR. Though this module focuses on guidance for DDR programmes in mission and non-mission settings alike, its proposed provisions are also applicable to health activities in support of DDR-related tools and reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).
Lastly, rather than treating health as a technical input to DDR, this module provides a framework to better understand the interlinkages between health, peace, social cohesion and reconciliation, and the impact that well-designed health interventions can have on the prospects for peace.
Disability-Inclusive DDR
Disability-inclusive DDR requires specific planning and interventions to eliminate barriers to participation and to address the specific needs of persons with disabilities. Disability-inclusive DDR processes shall be led by national and local authorities, in line with national and local policies and strategies and build on existing systems and structures. A DDR process and all forms of support provided for that process shall adhere to humanitarian principles, including non-discrimination on the basis of disability and the best practices of disability-inclusion in humanitarian action. Consistent with the principles of disability-inclusive humanitarian action, the inclusion of persons with disabilities in DDR shall include mainstreaming and targeted interventions.
Armed conflict relates to disability in two respects. First, it is a cause of disability and, second, it is a complicating factor for persons living with disability who face specific support and protection needs during conflict and its aftermath. Impairments giving rise to disability occur in direct and indirect ways in the context of conflict. Direct impairments arise as a consequence of the immediate physical and psychosocial consequences of violent conflict, such as being hit by a bullet, stepping on a land mine or being raped. Impairment arises also indirectly from conflict, including psychological trauma from witnessing violence, for example, or a lack of basic needs (shelter, adequate clothing, sanitation, water, food, healthcare, etc.) and exposure to the elements. This context shall be borne in mind in the design and implementation of DDR processes.
Conflict can also serve to amplify existing barriers for persons with disabilities, making it even more challenging to access the benefits of a DDR process. For example, destruction of infrastructure such as roads and the breakdown of social safety nets can result in the exclusion of persons with disabilities. Furthermore, conflict often brings a weakening of community-based organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) may be particularly affected owing to their frequently marginalized status in society.
The intersectionality of disability and gender can also heighten risk. Women and girls with disabilities face a double stigma, they often experience abuse, social exclusion, and are financially and physically vulnerable. Additionally, women and girls are often caregivers and may take on additional caregiving roles for returning DDR participants with disabilities. Disability-inclusive DDR shall be based on a careful situational analysis of the context. This shall include an analysis of any potential disability as well as age or gender-related barriers to participation in DDR. The capacities and coping mechanisms of individuals, households and communities shall also be analysed to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of disability-inclusive assistance. Protection risks that could potentially be created by this assistance shall also be assessed. For example, it is important to analyse whether DDR support to former members of armed forces and groups with disabilities may inadvertently create or exacerbate household or community tensions.
level 1
General IDDRS
level 2
Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS
level 3
Structures and Processes
level 4
Operations, Programmes and Support
level 5
Cross-cutting Issues
level 6